Executive Transparency: Setting the Right Tone from the Top

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A knowledge base for forward thinkers, game
changers, and global leaders. 


From Founder Mode to Micro-Leadership: Redefining Hands-On Management


From Founder Mode to Micro-Leadership: Redefining Hands-On Management

At a recent Y Combinator event, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky stood on stage and delivered a provocative message: despite the current focus on employee empowerment, hiring top talent and granting them autonomy might not be the path to success. Chesky learned this lesson the hard way. As Airbnb grew, he was advised to move out […]

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High-Impact Meetings: How to Drive Meaningful Collaboration


High-Impact Meetings: How to Drive Meaningful Collaboration

Think about your last meeting. Did it start with idle chatter, a dash for coffee, and then a hesitant, “Is everyone here? Meg must be running late. Let’s just get started, and we can recap when she gets here.” Then, the poor soul tasked with guiding the session begins, usually by skimming through an agenda […]

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Thinkers vs. Blinkers: A Tale of Two Steves


Thinkers vs. Blinkers: A Tale of Two Steves

Apple didn’t just give us some of the world’s most iconic products. It also brought us two of the most famous Steves in business—Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. But while their names will forever be linked, their approaches to decision-making couldn’t have been more different. Take Steve Jobs. Known for his bold, instinctual decision-making, Jobs […]

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Executive Transparency: Setting the Right Tone from the Top

Executive Transparency: Setting the Right Tone from the Top

Leaders with strong values around transparency and direct communication tend to be very open with their teams as a way to build trust and enhance coordination. This can be a great approach– providing ongoing context is incredibly empowering for followers because it allows for a deeper understanding of the expectations and shifting parameters that inform […]

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